2017-08-14 Find command usage in scripts

1 minute read

What and where?

I have over 200 scripts in my repository and in many of them I use functions from my custom module. The module grew with my Powershell experience. Many functions are not used anywhere, but which one? Some evolve and keeping a backwards compatibility is sometimes hard. What will break? (I know - Pester)

So I wanted to find in all my scripts the usage of all commands from my module. To keep it more universal I created a function that finds a command usage in a script file.

It gets all PS1 files (or a single file) from Path and searches for a single command, array of commands, all commands from a module or all commands used.

With the AliasExpand switch it will find all command aliases and search also for them.


Find usage of Get-ChildItem in all PS1 scripts in C:\Scripts and subdirectories

		PS > Get-CommandUsage -Command Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Scripts -Recurse
		Command      : Get-ChildItem
		Script       : copy-items.ps1
		Path         : C:\Scripts\copy-items.ps1
		CommandLine  : Get-ChildItem $path_out -Filter *.pdf -ErrorVariable +my_error
		LineNumber   : 40
    IsAlias      :

Find usage of Get-ChildItem and its aliases in C:\Scripts\copy-items.ps1 script. Expands alias in returned results in Command property

		PS > Get-CommandUsage -Command Get-ChildItem -AliasExpand -Path C:\Scripts\copy-items.ps1 
		Command      : Get-ChildItem
		Script       : copy-items.ps1
		Path         : C:\Scripts\copy-items.ps1
		CommandLine  : Get-ChildItem $path_out -Filter *.pdf -ErrorVariable +my_error
		LineNumber   : 40
    IsAlias      : False
		Command      : Get-ChildItem
		Script       : copy-items.ps1
		Path         : C:\Scripts\copy-items.ps1
		CommandLine  : gci $path_in 
		LineNumber   : 41	
    IsAlias      : True

Find all used commands from module SomeModule in scripts in current directory

		PS > Get-CommandUsage -Module SomeModule
		Command      : Get-SQLDataTable
		Script       : get-ServerInfo.ps1
		Path         : C:\Scripts\get-ServerInfo.ps1
		CommandLine  : Get-SQLDataTable -Query "SELECT ComputerName, Max(TimeCreated) as MaxDate from ServerLogs group by ComputerName"
		LineNumber   : 50	
    IsAlias      :

Find all commands in scripts in C:\Scripts

		PS > Get-CommandUsage -All -Path C:\Scripts
		Command      : Get-ChildItem
		Script       : copy-items.ps1
		Path         : C:\Scripts\copy-items.ps1
		CommandLine  : Get-ChildItem $path_in 
		LineNumber   : 4		
    IsAlias      :


Full script on GitHub


Thanks to Seemingly Science who provided a solution how to take advantage of the Parser and Abstract Syntax Tree from System.Management.Automation.Language.

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