2017-08-08 Add new script to NSClient++ for Nagios
Add-NscWrappedScript Here is a function to add a new script to NSClient++ for Nagios on a local or remote computer.
Add-NscWrappedScript Here is a function to add a new script to NSClient++ for Nagios on a local or remote computer.
Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties * breaks with an error PS > Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties * Get-ADUser : Cannot find the requested object. If we look...
How to get a list of MAC addresses with port number of all connected hosts?
A great article about foeach and where methods which where introduced in PowerShell 4.0 and in my opinion are not well known.
A simple way to add new line to a text file after finding a line matches a pattern. $fileName = "D:\PoSH\file.txt" $pattern = "Some pattern to look for" # ...